Learn about commonly ordered genetic tests

Chromosomal microarray

Katie Chan, Certified Genetic Counselor and LZF volunteer, explains chromosomal microarrays.


Gene Panels

Emma Smith, Certified Genetic Counselor, talks to us about gene panels.


Exome sequencing

Brooke Nightingale, Certified Genetic Counselor, discusses exome sequencing.


Whole genome sequencing

Natalie Dykzeul, Certified Genetic Counselor, explains whole genome sequencing.


No-Charge Clinical Genetic Testing Resources

Little Zebra Fund compiles clinical genetic testing opportunities for reference and informational purposes only.

Ordering providers, please contact testing labs directly for questions and ordering. 

If you are a patient or caregiver seeking genetic testing not covered by insurance, we hope this information will be helpful to your ordering provider.

Single Gene tests and gene panels

Exome sequencing

Genome sequencing

Labs Offering Free testing for select disorders/patients

miscellaneous/ Patient Assistance for genetic testing