Did you or a family member receive Little Zebra Funds?
We would love to hear from you!
“We were relieved. At least now we know. We had just been taking it day by day…”
- Carla Medina, Avery’s mom
Read Avery’s full story here, originally reported by Ruthann Richter for Stanford Children’s Health
Leave us a note!
We would love to hear from you- and help Little Zebra families connect!
Leave us a quick line on our comment wall below.
Not sure what to write? Here are some ideas:
What is one thing you want people to know about your child or family member?
What does (or did) finding a genetic diagnosis mean to you?
Leave a thank you to our donors!
Want to share you story?
If you or a loved one were the recipient of Little Zebra Funds and you would like to share your story in the form of blog post, interview, video, really any way you feel comfortable sharing, let us know by filling out the form below!