Apply for Little Zebra funds
If you are a geneticist or genetic counselor in the San Francisco Bay Area, follow these steps to request Little Zebra funds for your patient:
Email us ( with “Application for Funding” in the title of your message. We will send you the intake form & a link to our HIPAA compliant Box uploader.
Complete the intake form, which requests the following information:
Ordering provider details
Minimal patient data
Availability of pre and post test genetic counseling
Genetic test and clinical laboratory information
Upload the completed intake form & proof of insurance denial.
Location Restriction
Little Zebra funds are currently only available to qualified providers in the SF Bay Area
We plan to expand our services as our non-profit grows
Contact us to be notified when our services expand
Clinical LaB Partners
Providers may order testing from any clinical lab
The Little Zebra Fund will pay:
Up to $500 for single gene testing
Up to $600 for chromosomal microarray or multi-gene panels
Up to $3000 for trio exome sequencing
Up to $6000 for trio whole genome sequencing
The following labs have agreed to provide lower cost testing to our Little Zebras:
MNG Laboratories
Revvity Omics
HudsonAlpha Clinical Services Lab
Contact Little Zebra Fund for specific prices
HIPAA Compliance
Online form and insurance documents submitted to our HIPAA compliant box database
By submitting this online form, provider confirms that consent has been obtained to share identifiable information with The Little Zebra Fund
Payments are made directly to the clinical laboratory by the Little Zebra Fund
Little Zebra funds will be made available to each major medical genetics group in the SF Bay Area on a needs basis
We are fortunate to be partnered with the following clinical genetic testing labs: